Category: Chinese Customs

Shu Tou (梳头) or Shang Tou (上头) the full version

The Chinese have a beautiful custom in which the parents of the bridge and groom combs their hair 3 to 4 times the night before the wedding, reciting words of blessings. It is often an intimate ceremony within the immediate…

Shu Tou ( Combing of Hair)

This is one touching part of the actual day that i really like. Shu Tou is a wonderful tradition that is thankfully still carried out in most Singaporean Chinese weddings today. Shu Tou usually occur after the make up and…

Si Dian Jin (Jewellery Set)

Si Dian Jin is a Teochew custom that is commonly carried out by most Chinese in Singapore (even other dialect groups). Read about what it consist, the origin of it and the problems of Si Dian Jin in Singapore.