The Dowry: Gifts from the bride’s family

Well, if you grooms think you “lugi” so much money from the Si Dian Jin and Pin JIng etc, you must remember, marrying a girl is not cheap, not to mention it is your dream girl. I guess it’s worth the money to make the dream girl become a real wife ya?

In addition to having a sweet, demure and gentle wife (in your dreams remember??), the grooms side will also receive dowry from the brides family. It is a sort of gift for their daughter in her new family.
Below are the common items in a dowry
1) Tea set for tea ceremory
2) Wedding towels (usually with “Xi” written on it)
3) A portion of the Pin Jin and the 2 phoenix candles back
4) Sewing kit
5) Baby bathtub
6) Baby potty
7) Ang pow to be placed in the potty for the person who is tasked to carry these items (Don’t ask me why it’s the potty and not something else)
8) A pair of bowls, chopsticks, spoons
9) Metal basin
10) Ceramic mug
Most of the above items are marked with Double happiness (Xi). While the traditional ones can look quite vintage or obiang depending on how you look at it, there are many modern versions of it decorated with cute cartoons etc.

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